While I have not blogged in almost a year, I am now committed to making this a weekly if not several times a week thing. One of my good friends from high school recently started her own blog, and I realized how therapeutic this used to be for me.
Marlo is now 13 months old! Where did the time go?! I now know why parents say time goes by so quickly, so try and enjoy every single moment. I try to snuggle with my little squish at least once a day, and I also try and observe her and watch her learn at least once a day. It is amazing the amount of knowledge and skill she is gaining every day!
At times I second guess whether my husband and I are helping her get the best of the best as far as education, even though she's only 1 year old, I know her brain is like a sponge right now. I read all kinds of blogs and parenting tips in order to make sure she is getting what she can. Then I realize, as long as we love, care and support her, she will learn as much as she needs to, at her own pace.
IT IS AMAZING the amount of love my hubs and I have for this little girl. I often find myself putting myself in positions I never would have before in order to protect her. Mama Bear coming through! I've even taken a basic gun safety course, and I'm signed up for an additional class to carry conceal safely. We travel and do a lot of things in our community and sadly, in today's world you never know!
Welcome to my journey with my now toddler....I promise I will keep blogging!
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